Normally think a lot when about to sleep, can have the deepest conversations with myself or God before sleeping. So I keep a book close by, thought I should share my latest thoughts. I kid you not I wrote all this in less than an hour :)
Every single step we make fits into his perfect jigsaw puzzle even our failures and mishaps. We might take a detour and go another direction but end on the first step back to His recovery plan. The master gamer from on high sees our past and future and only He knows the end result. We down below limited in our vision may fret, but we fret for nothing.
I have always been in love, in love with the unknown. . The great mysterious one who spins things in orbit, wakes up the lillies in the morning and causes the moon and stars to shine at night.
How could one listen to a melody and not experience endless joy?
How could one stare at a baby's laughing face and not fall inlove?
Humans must have been created to love. And, if that is the case then we must have been created by someone who has that essence or is that essence.
It is said a novel always has a trace of it's author thus, humans have traits of their creator. I belive that creator is God.
Nothing creates nothing, whereas, something can create something.
We say matter cannot be created or destroyed and that is just energy.That is why water can turn into ice and then gas.
Humans also will turn into ashes when they die becauses they came from ashes. We return to our old state.
He who is transcendent, omnipotent and omniscient is God. There can be no theory or scientific experiment to define this uncertainty. The uncertainty is what makes him God.
One thing we know is that God is love. This explains how it is difficult to explain it, express it or even let it go.
How can we describe this phenomenom? The bible says it is Patient, Kind, Not Envious, it does Not Boast
, it is Not Proud, it is Not Rude, it is Not Self- Seeking, it is Not easily Angered, it keeps No record of Wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the Truth. It always Protects, always Trusts, always Hopes, always Perseveres. Love Never Fails.
If I want to understand this love that has always been present around me, and within me then I must become; patient, self-less, kind, humble, hopeful and courageous.
The more I kill my tendencies to be selfish, hateful, rude and all the other vices I become more of my ideal self which is Love and which is the essence of the Creator himself.