
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Could He be?

Father you made 5'9, beautiful, smart and called me Grace
You knew I would fall for him wise,handsome as soon as I saw his face
Yet I wallow, sigh, grumble and say "when me?"
 But,Why does my heart skip a beat at potential He's?
Why do I constantly ask could He be?

Father I know you are Supreme and you hold all my life plans
So why then do I doubt and shiver at the thought of meeting a  mere man
When you hold the stars, the moon and orbits in your hand
And devils flee each time you take a stand
So,Why does my heart skip a beat at potential He's?
Why do I constantly ask could He be?

Father you see everything. Thieves,gangsters and preachers on earth
You even notice the minutest thing like babies unbirthed
Yet you had time to create Him and put him here
My earthly mind does not comprehend thus keeps asking "where?"
So, why does my heart skip a beat at potential He's?
Why do I constantly ask could He be?

Then I hear your clear voice say" Hush!"
I have it under control it is neither the time or place,
Daughter why the hurry, very soon you shall see his face
The love story story I have written is not just when boy meets girl
But a manisfestation of my love, favour and grace.

P.S -I wrote this ages ago but I edited it before posting it. The first draft needed a lot of work.
I hope this would encourage any girl who ever felt this way.