
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Steps to Avoid living in your Parent's Basement.

Hello readers! This week I have been concentrating on planning my career... it sounds different but I have come to realize that it is very crucial that everyone goes through this process and the earlier the better. My Dad gave me a book entitled " How to get any Job (or how to avoid living in your parents' basement) written by Donald Asher. Hilarious title right? But, believe me that's not the first funny book title my Dad has ever given me. One time he gave me a book called " Why men marry some women and not others" or something similar of the sort. I can't really remember now :(
Ok, let's go back to the aforementioned book. It is a great book! I am just on the third chapter but I am already blogging about it. This is proof enough.

Here are a few(alot) excercises the author encourages the reader to do as you progress.
1. List down all the schools you have attended, best subjects,community activities,countries you have visited, languages you speak, all the job's your parents and siblings ever had etc.
2.List your first Job ideas. If you wanted to be an astronaut when you were a kid write it down!
3.List your employment fantasies in high school.
4. Career Ideas Post-College.
5.Industries that existed in your neighbourhood when you were a kid.
6. Your College Friends Dream Jobs
7. The 5 issues in the world that bother you most.
8.  The 25 people you admire in the world.
9.   25 things you admire about yourself.
10. What would you do with your life if you won $10million dollars at the lottery.
11. What you would pay to learn (eg. tango or learn chinese)
12. What you think would be the 5 emerging industries in ten years.
13.  What you think are  the 5 Demographic Wave Industries in you country.

So that's it for now the next step is to take some career planning tests. I have done a few and they have been mind boggling but really insightful.  I know it seems a whole lot of work but compared to staying in my Dad's basement.... I DON'T THINK SO!
NB. Links to free career planning tests online

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